I’ve found that being real, honest and imperfectly yourself is one of the best ways to grow a powerful platform for your soul work. In this blog, I share what happened when I dared to tell the truth…

I decided to air some dirty laundry a few days ago. I wanted to be honest about my relationship with my man.

I realised I’d only shared our sunshiny, happy times with the world. So I decided to be real about the fact that we fight about the washing up and we’re learning (slowly but surely) how to love each other through our grumpiness.

Look what happened when I dared to share it:

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People were grateful. They loved the honesty. They were relieved.

They also began to open up about their own tough times. One woman shared her story of how she and her partner loved each other through a house-wide, bedbug infestation.

One man shared that his journey of caring for his wife through terminal cancer taught him that “real marriages aren’t made in heaven, they are forged through hell”.

Another friend shared her top tip to diffuse arguments is blowing raspberries and making funny faces.

We created a moment of real, heart-breaking, funny connection together.


I’ve found that being real, honest and imperfectly yourself is one of the best ways to grow a powerful platform for your soul work. I think that’s because people need to know they can trust you, before they can invest in your offerings.

And nothing builds trust better than a good, honest dose of realness. Especially amidst the everything-is-peachy, selfie-tastic culture!

How are you practising being real and honest as you share your work in the world? I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for your courageous honesty,

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ps: If you’d like to read the full post, please come over to my Facebook profile – I’d love to connect with you there!

Photo credit: Bryce Evans



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